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Greetings. Hello. Howdy. I am Pastor Brian Long, Pastor Brian to many, and just Brian to most. Welcome to this new space where I get to share my thoughts, both theological and otherwise with you. I am a husband to one, father of four, and friend to many. I also share my home with a few dogs, of which two are mine: a 10-year old black lab, and a 1-year old Irish Setter.

My views over my lifetime have shifted, and so I believe it is necessary to know something about how my mind works when reviewing my musings and sermons. I do believe that all people have a Divine spark that is meant to reflect Divine love. I believe that all people are also worthy of love, respect, dignity, and equal rights. Along this line, I have come to see that any divisions between people or even nations are human constructs and not from God.

As for the church, I believe that God’s church is and should be an instrument for social justice, community building, and the building and strengthening of relationships both between people, and people and God. It is not our church, but it is the gathering of people with Jesus Christ as the head and guiding light.

When I am not preaching, writing, or sharing, I find time to read a wide range of books, build models, play games, and walk many miles with my dogs. My best friend is my wife. My favorite author is John Steinbeck. My favorite music is, well, I have a very eclectic music taste. My favorite beverage is iced coffee.

I hope and pray that as you view and read the work on this page, you do so with an open mind to something different, an open heart with grace, and that what I share touches you and moves you to feel loved, to love others, and to find your treasures in life

Musings with Pastor Brian

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