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  • Writer's pictureBrian Long

A Time to Live

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is s time for everything under the sun. The passage is great for many reasons, and is often read at funerals. However, like so many Biblical passages, I think it gets pigeon holed too much. While it, perhaps, leaves out a few details, it is a great reminder for everyday that something is happening in our lives.

As a pastor I have observed a phenomenon that makes me a little uncomfortable. It is an overwhelming need within humanity to seek out comfort at what seems like all costs.

Let me explain for a little bit. I was cruising through TikTok the other day and I came across a few videos where people where vociferously calling for Critical Race Theory to be banned. Now, on the surface I might say their demand is valid. However, what struck me was when the interviewer asked them what Critical Race Theory was, most of them did not know. They just felt that this thing, CRT, made them uncomfortable. For the record, General Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was once questioned by politicians about CRT, and responded by saying he wanted to understand it better. I paraphrase, but here is a person at the very top of the United States Armed Forces saying he wants to learn more. I let that one simmer for a minute.

Now this is not a post about Critical Race Theory. Though I do encourage everyone to grow in their knowledge of the things that challenge us as a society, CRT is not the focus of this morning.

The writer of Ecclesiastes, in my opinion, left out a couple of things. I believe there is a time to be comfortable. I also believe there is a time to be challenged. There is a time to stretch our muscles, and there is a time to relax. There is a time to learn, and there is a time for us to teach. There is a time for us to speak out, and a time for us to listen. The challenge for all of us is to know what time it is.

I admire the person who may be in poor physical shape but walks around the block slowly. They are doing so much more than many others who are in better shape. I have a problem with the uninformed opinion. I find that listening almost always trumps yelling. And courage always overcomes fear. Love overcomes hate, and friends always far outweigh the value of enemies.

Jesus found time to listen, and to speak. He found time to preach, and time to pray. There was time to eat with friends, and time to challenge the earthly authorities. For Him, there truly was a time to live, a time to die, and even a time to live again. I simply cannot overstate the value of reading, of sharing coffee with a friend, and finding time to push yourself to something new, and yes, finding time to breath and enjoy life. There truly is a time for everything under the sun, but our time under the sun is limited. I encourage you, I beg of you, choose wisely.

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