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  • Writer's pictureBrian Long

Blue Christmas

“Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat. Please to put a penny in the old man’s hat.” Yes, Christmas is coming with all the trimmings.The trees are going up, the lights are being strung from the trees, the houses, and around our homes. Hallmark is selling their beautiful decorations, and Walmart and Hobby Lobby have been ready to go for months.

Children are putting their Christmas lists together, and Santa’s helpers are getting dressed. And let’s not forget the ever present, lovable, spying Elves on the shelves. (We have five in my house.)

The joy filled time of Christmas is coming, and families and friends are making plans to get together to celebrate in front of the fireplace with warm beverages and lots of food. 

However, Christmas is not a joyful time for everyone. There are people who have lost loved ones in the past year. For some, this is the first Christmas without that special person, or even the first Christmas without a beloved pet. Still, there is someone who has lost their job and cannot afford presents or the big dinner, and they are embarrassed. Still, someone else is going through other stresses, and cannot focus on the laughter, the thrills, or even the good company. Someone is alone.

There are churches that now celebrate Blue Christmas. This is a service where those who are struggling have their struggles recognized, and reflected upon. It is a time to remember that as joyful as the coming of Christ may be, it is also a time to remember that Christ came for our struggles, to help us overcome those challenges, and to lift us out of our proverbial pits.

As we move into this season of preparation, let us also be prepared to lift up those who are struggling. Let us be the ones to fill the empty voids. Let us be Christ in the lives of those who are struggling, alone, or who just don’t like or get Christmas. Remember to be sensitive, and to understand that just because they say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays,” does not mean they are joy filled. Be open to the chance to be Santa, or Jesus, to everyone you meet.

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