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  • Writer's pictureBrian Long

Christmas Self-Care

I’m not sure who needs to hear this, besides myself, but I feel I need to share this message annually. And, maybe it is for me.

The trees are going up. The lights are being hung. The garland is being wrapped around the tree, the stairs, and placed over doors. I know in my house the village is almost done. It is time to start wrapping presents. Dinners are being planned. Travel plans are being purchased and grocery lists are being compiled. The elves are already spying on us.

The list of preparations are on going, and everyone is beyond busy. I went into the store the other day and it was way more crowded than I expected. Our “to do” lists seem to get shortened in the evening, only to double up the next morning.

I can keep going with what needs to be done, but I think you get the picture. Advent/Christmas is hectic.

Here is one thing I suspect everyone needs to do, but very few actually do. Take a moment for yourself. Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, or coffee, or even tea. Listen to some Christmas music, not just in the background, but sing a few carols with the radio. Don’t forget to watch a Hallmark movie. I know the story is the same, but you know it will have a happy ending. Have a family gathering to watch Polar Express or one of the old claymation movies like Rudolph or the Little Drummer Boy. 

We seem to get so caught up in expectations that we forget to stop and reflect. This is, contrary to today’s culture, not the season for profits. It is the season of Divine Love. It is a time to forgive, to touch and be touched in our hearts. It is a singular time to have faith in people, in humanity, restored. 

No one can do everything, and no one is ever ready for Christmas. If that one present goes unpurchased, so what. You really don’t need that extra strand of lights. Make sure, in your attempts and efforts to make the season special for everyone else, that you enjoy some time as well. Maybe that time is alone, with family, or a friend or two. Whatever it takes, Jesus came for you as well as everyone else.

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