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  • Writer's pictureBrian Long

Honor thy mother, and All Women

We often talk about Mother’s Day as a secular holiday, and yet there is Scripture that makes honoring our Mother God a noble cause.

Isaiah 66:13 reads, "As a mother comforts her child,

so will I comfort you;

and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.”

Another passage, Hosea 13:8, says, "Like a bear robbed of her cubs,

I will attack them and rip them open:…”

(This is a classic Mama Bear passage.)

So it is right and proper to honor the women who have blessed our lives. And while we have so much common language of God as father, it is also right and proper to honor God our Mother.

We certainly want to recognize and honor the women who gave birth to us. However, there have been grandmothers, aunts, teachers, and countless others who have mothered us along the way. What does mothering look like one might ask. Well, it can be anything from caretaking to disciplining. It may include teaching and protecting.

We would all do well to honor the women who have made life not just possible, but worthy and of meaning and value. So take a moment, or two, to say thank you to all those members of the proverbial fairer sex for the countless sacrifices they have made for you.

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