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  • Writer's pictureBrian Long

Listening 6/27/23

Updated: Aug 26, 2023

So, as many of you know, I walk my dogs on a daily basis. I walk them separately because they walk in such different manners and speed. Katniss being 10 months old wants to go very fast and in a variety of directions while Aggie goes a little slower, and wants to sniff more frequently, being almost 10 years old. So there are two walks, back-to-back, and combined I get up to three or more miles. It takes about an hour or more depending on the distance.

Most of the time, it’s me and the dogs and no ear pods. I do this for a reason. Not only do I enjoy my time with my furry best friends, but I also enjoy being able to hear and see the world a little more.

There are times, like this morning, when I get to hear the wind. I can’t describe it, but it is a unique sound that we miss when driving in our cars or hearing all the noises of life.

There are days, specifically early in the morning or late in the evening, when the sounds of the birds, the crickets, I think the frogs, and other wildlife can be heard clearly. I can’t hear any of these on the freeways or in my office.

When I’m walking, sometimes I notice a blade of grass, or a leaf on a tree or the ground. I’m able to focus on small pieces of life that in the speed of life often get missed.

Then there is the fun with my dogs. I get to give them my undivided attention and see them react to other animals, to be excited about getting leashed up and going out.

Psalm 46:10 says, "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

We get so caught up in our busyness, that we forget to savor the gift of life. We push ourselves constantly to either beat the clock or to squeeze more stuff into the day, that we are so worn out we miss the special moments.

Being still does not necessarily mean that we stop everything. It means we focus on what is around us. Knowing that God is God, and that we are not, means that we need not worry or fret all the live long day. It’s okay to laugh, to cry, or to just take it all in, silently.

Believe it or not, breathing is a good thing. It is not necessary for us to fill the time or creation, for God has already done that. It is necessary to be still, and see what God has done.

Friends, I know life is busy. Even today, I feel as if I need three plates to put all of my to-do list upon, and still I could find more. It is easy to allow our busyness to weigh us down in painful anguish and desperation.

Take a seat. Get a cold beverage. Just listen, look, and breath. God is here.

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