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  • Writer's pictureBrian Long

Theological Education or God Project

So what is theological education? It’s the topic of this week’s worship service, and is perhaps undervalued in our world. Before I launch into this, I must point out that this is only my perception and my thoughts. So what is theological education?

Well, while seminary is one form, it is by no means the only one. However, seminary has taught me that theological education is not just about reading the Bible. Remember, the Bible was not originally written in English. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, while the New Testament was written in Greek. This does not mean everyone needs to be Hebrew and Greek scholars, but they should be aware that what they are reading is a translation which is subject to a number of variables. It’s not like the old secret code rings where A=1, B=2, and so forth. Translation and interpretation are subject to languages, cultures, history, context, and some others. So what is theological education?

Along my journey, I have had classes in ethics, philosophy, history, pastoral care, human trafficking, anxiety, leadership, the missional church, and many more both formal and informal. You see, God is in everything, so theology can be said to apply to everything. When we work through a few things we can see that many of our decisions can be traced back to our faith. We know for example that despite really not liking that other person, we should love them and treat them with respect and kindness. So, how we act, especially in spite of what we want, is a theological reaction. So again, I ask, what is theological education?

There are many ways to study and learn about God. One can be guided by a professor. You might gain some insight from a pastor. A conversation with a friend over coffee or dinner can be very enlightening. There are lessons to be learned in nature such as stargazing or while walking on a nature hike. We have the capacity and opportunity to learn about God in a wide range of venues and activities. We are not constrained entirely in a church building with sermons and Sunday school. Heck, children can learn about God in bedtime stores. So what, I ask again, is theological education?

I have often heard it said that all one needs is the Bible to learn about God. I hope, I know, that’s not entirely true. After all, I have a wall and a couple of book cases full of material that has helped me on this path. Imagine going to a foreign country. You know you will need a map. But, will that be enough? Obviously not. You’re going to want a language dictionary to begin with. A history book might be helpful, and so would something that informs you about the culture. After all, it’s not just illegal, but it’s also dangerous to drive on the wrong side of the road. I have found that God can be better studied not just in the recognized theological books assigned by the professor, or the readings recommended about such topics as sin, mercy, God’s Kingdom, and countless other theological terms. It is possible, actually probable, that one can discover a theological truth in both fiction and non-fiction works. That is also why I have a book shelf in my office filled with books other than theological books. So, for the last time, what is theological education?

Well, in this pastor’s humble opinion, theological education is the study of life found in all aspects of creation. For we know that love builds up, and that God created creation. Thus, the more we know about life, human interactions on all levels, the more we know about the Divine. All we have to do is pay attention, ask questions, and be open to the revelation of wisdom that God offers us. It’s not just poured into us, but we have to go and get it. It is the ultimate grad student project, for it never ends. On the other hand, God grades on a curve, so we really can’t fail, especially if we try. Theological education is what we do every day.

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