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  • Writer's pictureBrian Long

Unload Your Burden

I have often spoken about the need for us to be good listeners. We are called, and needed to lend our shoulder, our arms, and our ears to those in need. And, this is still true, However, I want to jump the fence for just a moment if I may.

Many of us, if not all of us, have grown up being told to buck up, to stand on our own two feet, to never show weakness, and other some such hogwash. This kind of thinking, though perhaps well-intentioned, has caused many in need to not get the help they badly need. Individuals have chosen not to share their burdens, to see a therapist, or even just to have an emotional release of tears of sadness or shouts of anger. It has all been kept inside until they exploded resulting in depression, anxiety, and worse.

There is a challenging reality in life. We are alone, at least in our heads. We bear our burdens, and carry our mental challenges alone. No person can do it for us. However, while we travel this journey called life alone, we need not travel it by ourselves.

Jesus, for all of his strength, both physical and emotional, walked the Holy Land with his disciples. He shared meals, secrets, and life with them. While he was perhaps the focus of his community, he was still part of that community. He listened, but he also shared.

As many of you know, one of my pet peeves about church is on Sunday morning someone asks, “Hi. How are you,” and the response is, “fine.” No one is fine. We’ve been taught not to air our dirty laundry so to speak, and many believe that no one wants to hear their problems. Not only is no one really fine, but the church is called to carry and to share the burdens of the community. When a person bears a burden alone, it may well be too much, causing the person to break under the emotional weight. When two or more people carry the same weight, it becomes bearable and perhaps even manageable. Heck, that burden, with help, may well just go away some times.

So here is my invitation, perhaps even a challenge. You are all, that means you to, encouraged to find someone you trust, and share what is weighing you down. It could be a family member, or a friend, or a pastor. It might be a mentor, a therapist, or who knows, maybe it’s the next person you meet. Whoever it is, lighten your load. Share your burden. We all need someone we can talk to. We need someone who will listen to us, without judgement. We all need a safe place to rest and to put down that which is causing us to bend under the weight. Yes, be a good listener, but also be courageous and open up to a helper. In doing so, you are made stronger, and thus we are all lifted up higher.

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