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  • Writer's pictureBrian Long

Weary Today

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching. I know students are already thinking about next year, and the teachers and staff are thinking about Summer vacation. Everyone is tired, and overwhelmed. I know in my house, where there is both an educator and a high school senior, there is a lot going one. Even as they are working to finish the school year strong, they are both making plans for next year. I’m not sure there will be much vacation this year.

I know we all get caught up with both our daily lives of work, school, chores, play, and so much more. We weigh ourselves down with the plans and preparations for tomorrow. And still many of us add to these burdens with the guilt of yesterday. We start to get tired and dragging. We feel it when we wake up. We feel it when we collapse into bed. We feel it in the middle of the day when we are exhausted before the day is done.

The reality is, we were never meant to carry this much weight.

I wish I had the answers to the weariness, but I don’t. I will simply offer some words that I hope and pray may give you some rest.

Yesterday is gone. Let it go. It can’t be changed. The lessons can be learned, but everything else should be left to the historians.

Tomorrow will come. While planning, and thinking about it are worth while, it does not do anyone any good to dwell on the unknown. Spend some time making plans, but don’t give your efforts to tomorrow for things will likely change.

Spend time in the present. Today is here. This day is a gift to be enjoyed, relished, and valued. It is here. It is now. The person in front of you may not be there tomorrow. Tell them you love them. The flower you see, may be crushed under foot. Smell it and savor it. The book on the shelf won’t read itself, the music can’t hear the tune, and the breeze has no feeling. We do the reading, the listening and the feeling. Our focus needs to be in the here and now.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow will come, maybe. We live in the present, and are called to love others, and to love life.

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